Autoclave Portable |
Water Bath, Incubator Shaker |
Water Bath Hemi-Spherical |
Hybridization Incubator |
Water Bath Cylindrical |
BOD Incubator |
Water Bath Rectangular |
BOD Incubator Shaker |
Water Bath Electric |
Blood Bank Refrigerator |
Water Bath Electric, Single Wall |
Deep Freezer, Vertical |
Water Bath Electric, Double Wall |
Deep Freezer, Horizontal |
Water Bath Electric, 6 Hole |
Humidity Cabinet |
Water Bath Electric, 12 Hole |
Environmental Chamber |
Water Bath Circulating |
Plant Growth Chambers |
Centrifuge Hand, Aluminum |
Oil Bath |
Centrifuge Hand, Cast Iron |
Ultrasonic Bath |
Centrifuge Electric, Medico |
Rotary Shaker |
Centrifuge Electric, Clinical |
Vortex Mixer |
Centrifuge Electric, Digital |
VDRL Shaker |
Centrifuge Milk Fat, Manual |
VDRL Rotator |
Centrifuge Gerber |
Kjeldahl Digestion Apparatus |
Centrifuge Milk Fat, Electrical |
Kjeldahl Distillation Apparatus |
Heating Mantles |
Rotamantle |
Hot Plates Round |
Autoclave Laboratory, Vertical |
Pressure Cooker |
Autoclave Portable |
Water Bath Hemispherical |
Water Bath Cylindrical |
Water Bath Single Wall |
Water Bath, Double wall, 12 holes |
Water Bath Circulating |
Water Bath High Precision |
Hand Centrifuge Aluminum alloy |
Hand Centrifuge, Heavy, Iron |
Centrifuge Clinical |
Centrifuge Micro |
Centrifuge Medical |
Centrifuge Gerber |
Heating Mantle |
Hot Plate Round |
Hot Plate Rect. |
Oven Universal |
Vacuum Oven |
Incubator Universal |
Melting Poit Apparatus |
Muffle Furnace |
Stirrer Magnetic with hotplate |
Stirrer Magnetic |
Water Still Wall type |
Water Still Manesty |
Water still Barnsted |
Pipette washer automatic |
Vacuum Pump Rotary |
Vacuum Pump Diaphragm |
Hot Plates Rectangular |
Autoclave Laboratory, Horizontal |
Ovens Universal, Aluminum Chamber |
Vacuum Pump, Rotary |
Ovens Universal, Stainless Steel Chamber) |
Vacuum Pump, Diaphragm Type |
Ovens Vacuum |
Laminar Air Flow Module (Vertical) |
Incubators Universal, Aluminum Chamber |
Laminar Air Flow Module (Horizontal) |
Incubators Universal, Stainless Steel Chamber) |
Bio-Safety Cabinet |
Oven Cum Incubator |
Fume Hood (Stainless Steel) |
Egg Incubator |
pH meter, Pen Type |
Poultry Incubator |
pH meter, Hand held |
Muffle Furnace |
Conductivity Meter, Digital |
Melting Point Apparatus |
TDS Meter, Digital |
Stirrer Magnetic |
Dissolved Oxygen Meter |
Stirrer Magnetic with Hotplate |
Water & Soil Analysis Kit |
Stirrer Laboratory |
Turbidity Meters |
Water Stills, Wall type, Stainless Steel |
Flame Photometer |
Water Stills, Wall type, Manesty |
Karl Fischer Titrimeter |
Water Still Barnstead |
Colony Counter, Digital |
Pipette Washer Automatic |
Photo Colorimeters |
Water Bath, Serological |
Digital Spectrophotometer |
Water Bath, Precision |
Spectrophotometer, UV - VIS |