Powell’s Wave Machine |
Tuning forks on Resonance Box |
Wave Apparatus |
Tuning forks Adjustable |
Bell in vacuum |
Tuning fork, Electrical |
Wave form Helix |
Frequency Apparatus |
Slinky Spring |
Falling Plate Apparatus |
SHM Demonstration Apparatus |
Melde’s Apparatus |
Ripple Tank, Student |
Organ pipes |
Ripple Tank, Advanced |
Whirling Table |
Ripple Tank, Dual Purpose |
Savart’s Tooth Wheel |
Stroboscope |
Siren Disc |
Hand Stroboscope |
Siren with Indicator |
Sonometer, Simple |
Resonance Apparatus |
Sonometer, Student |
Resonance Apparatus, Glass |
Sonometer, 3 wire pattern |
Resonance Apparatus, Simple Form |
Sonometer weights |
Resonance Tubes |
Tuning Forks, Steel, Plain Shanks |
Kundt’s Tubes, Apparatus |
Tuning Forks, Aluminum, Die casted |
Crova’s Disc |
Tuning forks Set of 8 |
Dog Whistle |
Tuning forks Set of 13 |
Powell's Wave Machine |
Wave Apparatus |
Bell in Vacuum |
Wave form Helix |
Spring slinky |
Ripple Tank , Advanced |
Ripple tank, Dual Purpose |
Stroboscope hand |
Sonometer, Simple |
Sonometer Student |
Tuning Forks, Steel, Plain Shanks |
Tuning Forks, Aluminum, Die Casted |
Tuning Forks, Steel, Plain Shanks, Set of 8 |
Tuning Forks, Steel, Plain Shanks, Set of 8 |
Tuning Forks, Steel, Plain Shanks, Set of 13 |
Tuning Forks, Aluminum, Die Casted, Set of 8 |
Tuning Forks, Aluminum, Die Casted, Set of 13 |
Tuning forks on Resonance box |
Tuning forks, Pair on Resonance box |
Tuning fork, Electrically Maintained |
Melde's App. |
Organ Pipes |
Savart's Toothed Wheel |
Siren with Indicator |
Resonance App. |
Resosnce App. Superior |
Kundt's Tube App |